Water is a natural Resource

Amidst Indonesia's rising consciousness towards minimizing single-use plastic, one individual stands out in championing this cause. Floris Graziosi, CEO of AYR-Water, recounts his awakening to the country's waste crisis and his subsequent mission to revolutionize water consumption. In a candid conversation with Mirella Pandjaitan for Indonesia Expat, Graziosi unveils his journey from corporate realms to environmental advocacy, shedding light on AYR-Water's innovative approach towards sustainability.

Graziosi's narrative encapsulates a profound shift in perspective, ignited by a firsthand encounter with Indonesia's sprawling landfill, Bantar Gebang. Fueled by a desire to effect tangible change, Graziosi spearheads AYR-Water's "Don’t Recycle, Refill" campaign, offering preserved mineral water solutions that minimize carbon footprint and promote environmental stewardship. Through strategic partnerships and cutting-edge technologies, AYR-Water endeavors to reshape the hospitality industry's approach to water consumption.

Read the full article here on Expat Indonesia



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